Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Why "Divinity and Diapers"??

As I contemplated why I want to write this blog I started thinking about the legacy I want to leave behind me. The messages that I want associated with myself and my family. Here is what I came up with:   

#1. I want my children and grandchildren to know that I love being a mother. Being a mommy is absolutely the most important thing I can do in this life. I want them to know that I never have regretted the decision to be a mother. It was on purpose and with so much longing that Dr. Q and I became parents. We love this job!

#2. I want to share my testimony of Christ. I know the Lord lives. I know that He loves me. I want to relish in His divinity. I know that to Him I am important even when I have just finished changing the fourth poopy diaper in our household. (which brings me to my next point...)

#3. I know that life is experiential - this means that it's not always about getting to the destination - it's about enjoying the ride. You have to find humor despite the sadness, smiles despite the tears, and giggles despite the stubbornness. After all, as amazing as motherhood is - sometimes you don't know if the brown goo all over your toddler's hand is chocolate or poo!

#4. I need to start recording my little families memories. My boys are growing up too fast, my husband is learning too much, and I'm loving life too intensely to risk forgetting this special time in our lives.

So - if you happened to click on my little corner of the internet, welcome. I pray for the ability to touch, uplift, and inspire someone out there and I hope that some of our  family's happy moments will make bring some brightness to someone in need of a smile. And thank you for reading!

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